The Big Apple : New York City

Manhattan, New York City, USA
Cityscape travel images by Maggie Yescombe Photography.
The Empire States Building lit up against the New York city night sky-scape, dwarfing the rising moon.
This image (above) shows a tiny glimpse of green, the corner of central park in the distance. The eerily lit windows in the foreground and the pencil shaped architecture of the building. The lights at night, in the city that never sleeps.
This photo emphasises what a concrete jungle New York is: you see so many windows, containing so many people, all going about their daily lives and not one patch of green, sky blocked by other sky scrapers.
The photos (above) are taken from the 38th floor of the New Yorker Hotel (where Nikola Tesla lived/worked).
Walking the High Line:
Down to the ground, on the city streets with their famous yellow taxi cabs
The sun sets, and the long shadows creep, onto the city that never sleeps.
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