Coney Island NYC, beach reopens Memorial Day weekend

Coney Island beach re-opens for Memorial Day weekend…
With lovely hot weather, I grabbed my gear and hopped on the metro down to Coney Island beach. The first day the beach reopened for the season.
I was surprised to see the rusty old Cyclone still running: I had riden it once, back when I was 16yrs old (I was 32yrs old when I created these photographic images) and the Cyclone’s still going!)
Magee Hickey was also there documenting the beach scene (Reporter for WPIX and Time Warner Cable News- NY1 in New York City):
As you can see, the cops were out, helping lost children, keeping an eye on the adults and enjoying the sunshine too…
I queued at Nathans for what felt like an eternity in the hot burning sun (trying to use the fellow hungry patrons for as many inches of shade as I could, without them noticing: being of very pale skin, when I burn it’s bad!). After possibly the highest calorie lunch I’ve probably ever had, I dipped into the Beach Shop to ‘buy the t-shirt’ with ‘Brooklyn’ on it (as I had been renting in Brooklyn the whole month of May). Then toddled off back to Fort Greene as the sun began to set.
Email Maggie directly at and book your session to create stylish imagery to tell your story.