Stylish Bread Bin by ‘Typhoon’
For this particular studio still life shoot, I wanted to do more than a clean crisp white product photography image; instead choosing to give character and story to this beautiful bread bin. Thinking about it’s name ‘Typhoon’. Conjured a bread bin being something to prolong the life of your bread, by keeping it safe from the elements: somewhere the bread feels huddled away in safe shelter from its stormy blue surroundings.

For the open shot I dabbled in food styling: selected this pre-made loaf of bread (as it looked better than my home bread-maker baked one) and using a tooth-pick through the far-end slices to make them sit right.
Due to the reflective nature of this particular Product Photography, I selected a choice of studio lighting modifiers, and continued in postproduction to remove some subtle unwanted highlights, and minuscule imperfections, clarifying the readability of the logo text, amending the colour, and subtlety increase the already present vignetting, to focus the eye’s attention on the product further and give it a kinda of moody-storm-like-feel. Check out this before and after retouching screenshot (click on the image below to see it bigger. Though, you probably need to see the high resolution version to really appreciate the finer detail of the postproduction retouching work):

Email Maggie directly at to book your session to create stylish imagery to sell your products.